Tuesday, November 09, 2010

Let The World Stand Still

On this eventful day, let’s hope that the world will stand still for a time and hope that all the people in the world will reflect on our past and think about the future. What we want for our individual, selves that, is best for us, and our families, each and every one of us throughout the world. Hope for peace and prosperity, without the avarice that so many people are consumed with.

Stop the hate and wars. The same Creator made this world for us to live in peace and love one another. Remember your religion and your love of your God is between you and him, no one else. There is no go between when its time for you to meet your maker. It is a walk you have to do alone. Don’t let wrong minded people ruin your life. Live your life, as you know your God would want you too. Do unto others, as you would have others do unto you, is a good way to pass through our time in this world. Each one of us who do not follow this rule, are the ones who lose in the end.

So many people have allowed hate, bigotry, prejudice and greed to corrupt themselves and everyone and everything that they touch. Surely they can dig deep down inside and find some truth, kindness and integrity in their soul. Let us hope so.

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