Tuesday, November 09, 2010


In my winter of discontent I nearly lose my eternal optimism, that
things will get better for all the people that need help in our world for various reasons. Maybe it’s just me, but when I see so much attention given to sports in our newspaper and television with all the money involved with less and less attention given to academics with less and less money involved I get upset.
Adult sized men playing a child’s game, with owners of the teams becoming immensely wealthy and various cities allowing them to do whatever they want in these cities. The government and politicians paying; homage to the teams and the owners; as if they had done something really great and worthwhile. It is wonderful for children to be involved in sports, but not to the extent that it has become.
Sports does not make a school great, academics does. People, parents, friends and neighbors pay more attention to your children and their schoolwork than you do to which school has the best team. All children like to play sports, some are better at it than others, but it has gotten to the point that if you aren’t the best player, so that your team will win, no matter how you play the game you do not get to play, but they expect them to go watch and support the other players, even though they tell you, you aren’t good enough to play. Support the team above all else! How about we just support the English Club, the French Club, the Science Club, the History Club, the Math Club, the Music Club, the Biology Club, anything to do with learning in lieu of playing a game where many get broken bones, teeth knocked out, skulls fractured, some injured for life. There are sports that are less dangerous than team sports chasing a ball and knocking each other around. Tennis, a one on one or a doubles team, a swim team, they are less likely to get hurt and they are sports one can play even into their old age, but academics should be at the top of all children’s
criteria, and that of their parents not sports.

I didn’t forget golf, which I have found to be a useless sport.
Exercise, maybe but there are other ways than out knocking a ball
around with a stick, pardon me, a club, but many found a way to
make a moneymaking thing out of that. Again, it is a game of luck
you don’t always stay on top, next go around someone else wins.

Don’t waste your time and money on professional sports, none of the money they pay those players will rub off on you, nor will any the owners make off you, your tickets and junk you buy from advertising, plus the food they sell at an awful price. Unless you are a gambler and bet on the games, at times they also lose.

Something I learned over the years. Sports is a game of LUCK, when both teams are good, the outcome is strictly luck. No matter how much the players and the coach are paid, it will not change the outcome of the game. No matter how much your, team is touted as being the best in newspapers or television, does not make it so, that’s why one team doesn’t remain on top year after year. You win some you lose some, that’s how it should be. Everything about sports has become a moneymaking entity with a lot of bad sportsmanship involved, from grade school through college to professional sports.

An Auction, Not An Election:

It is not like a game of sports, where both teams are good, but the outcome is strictly luck. No matter how much the players are paid it will not change the outcome of the game. As I have watched daily the game of our political campaigns. It is a matter of whom the most convincing liars with the most money and an insatiable hunger and greed for power that might win this auction of our government.

The amount of money and time spent in this campaign is enough to make a decent person sick to their stomach. This campaign started when Barack Obama was elected President. Instead of working for the citizens of this country, the Republicans and some Democrats sat on their hands and their royal rear ends and did nothing but fight against everything he has tried to do. They weren’t interested in our country and the damnable mess it was in, they were interested only in satisfying the whims of their wealthy friends and the large corporations and holding onto their status quo in the congress.

They enlisted all the old rabble-rousers, the people that stirs up the passions and prejudices of the public for his or her own interests, a demagogue (person or political leader, who gains power by arousing people’s emotions and prejudices). Many of these were old men that were not reelected in the past years, but had become so addicted to the power of politics that they couldn’t give it up and go home and just really do some good for their communities, no such luck, they had to have that spotlight back on them again. Most of the one’s I watched didn’t do anything worth a damn all the years they were in congress. We had a bunch and still do in congress that, aren’t worth the powder it would take to blow
them to hell. Want their names?

A bunch of lily-livered pasty faced old men, (except one who plays
golf a lot or uses the tanning bed) that have done nothing but get
into politics and live off the land, not farming or anything worthwhile,
but live off the taxpayer’s, sort of federal welfare, but they sure hate
it when people who have been disenfranchised really need welfare. We also have a new breed of women that have become a disgusting sight to behold. They just like the limelight, also, not to help our country, just to do a bunch of mouthing and half the time don’t know what they are talking about, maybe to hear the sound of their voice or their heads roar or see themselves on television and in papers or just to hear their names mentioned. To many people they were convincing liars and were paid well too.

Well the Auction is over and the GOP won part of the House, but not all the Senate, as they wanted. Got some new GOP Governors too.
Nothing will get done for the next two years, as they will start now, today November 3rd, campaigning for the 2012 election, to try and make sure President Obama is a, one-term president. The only time they will spend working is trying to undo everything that has been done this last, nearly two years. The GOP Governors will be spending taxpayer money trying to repeal healthcare and the finance reform bills. So we will see how they fare in 2012, as again they will be the party of NO for the majority of the citizens of this country, the ones with no money to give them.

Our War Machine Builders:

Hey, some of you smart people, tell me how our big war machine builders make their money? Who pays them to make all of the war machines for the United States? Who gives them the big contracts to build them for us? Our government with our money! At who’s request? Our big warmongers in our government that want to help their wealthy corporate friends! Then what do we do with them? We send all this equipment overseas to be used to fight a war against people that never attacked us, like Iraq and Afghanistan. It is blown up along with our soldier’s and the citizen’s of those countries. They aren’t protecting us; they are filling the pockets of all the big conglomerates all over this country and overseas in every imaginable way. We have drained our Treasury and broke this country on the whims of a bunch of corrupt, greedy and power hungry American men. There was not an Iraqi or an Afghanistan in the bunch that ‘supposedly’ came here on 9/11. Every country has a militaristic criminal element.

They were all from Saudi Arabia. Osama Bin Laden is from Saudi Arabia. In fact all of his family is still there doing business with the United States through the Carlyle Group with Bushes and friends. He might have gotten on the wrong side of some one in Saudi Arabia and had to leave town for a while, but he still gets his money from there. Isn’t it strange that the countries that want do business with the US, like Saddam in Iraq and Afghanistan (some factions), get blown to smithereens, plus what we tried to do to Iran (Iran-contra) and the Kurds at one time. Go back and note the other little countries that didn’t want to be ruled by the US that got the shaft over these many years. Strange isn’t it that our big capitalist get along so well with the Saudi Arabia and their leaders are some of the sorriest people in the world. But we go right over and brown nose whenever they holler.

Now our big war machine builders are going to sell them $60 billion of war machines. We of course will send someone right over to teach them how to use all these goodies, or have them send their soldiers over here to be trained. We have done this with all other nations. Not only will the other nations in that part of the country not be safe as they do not like the Saudi’s nor do the Saudi’s like them. It was especially true of Saddam Hussein. None of the different nations like each other, about the only thing any of them have in common is their religion and many of them have a lot of different rules. Reminds me of our country and our politicians. Between our religions, politics and avarice we have ruined our once great country.

When Saudi starts to take over in that part of the world, we will be up a creek without a paddle. We will have been used up already by, the capitalist all over the world.

Let The World Stand Still

On this eventful day, let’s hope that the world will stand still for a time and hope that all the people in the world will reflect on our past and think about the future. What we want for our individual, selves that, is best for us, and our families, each and every one of us throughout the world. Hope for peace and prosperity, without the avarice that so many people are consumed with.

Stop the hate and wars. The same Creator made this world for us to live in peace and love one another. Remember your religion and your love of your God is between you and him, no one else. There is no go between when its time for you to meet your maker. It is a walk you have to do alone. Don’t let wrong minded people ruin your life. Live your life, as you know your God would want you too. Do unto others, as you would have others do unto you, is a good way to pass through our time in this world. Each one of us who do not follow this rule, are the ones who lose in the end.

So many people have allowed hate, bigotry, prejudice and greed to corrupt themselves and everyone and everything that they touch. Surely they can dig deep down inside and find some truth, kindness and integrity in their soul. Let us hope so.

Donating to Charities

Keep these facts in mind when donating.

Advertising may be described as the science of arresting human intelligence long enough to get money from it.

Marsha J. Evans, President and CEO of the American Red Cross…salary ending June 30, 2003, $651,000, $957,000 plus expenses. Probably a lot more now. I quit giving to them during world war 11, when an enlisted man was shipped overseas and his wife with one small child and pregnant with another, needed to go back to their hometown and asked for money for a bus ticket and they refused her. (My husband and I didn’t)

Brian Gallagher, President of the United Way receives a $375,000 base salary, plus numerous expense benefits. (I quit giving to them in 1968, which is a long story also)

UNICEF CEO receives $1,200,000 per year plus all expenses and a ROLLS ROYCE where ever he goes and only cents of your dollar goes to the cause. (And, they use little children to collect for them on Halloween)

The Salvation Army’s Commissioner Todd Bassett receives a salary of only $13,000 per year (plus housing) for managing this $2 billion dollar organization. That is the one to give to. Over the years I have given directly to people that I know are in need or organizations that are small and I know individuals involved and are for needy and handicapped children.

Like some Religions it seems Charities are a great business to be in!!!!!

2010 Revolution

We the poor and middle class had a revolution in 2008. Now is the time for the revolution of 2010. We have two more years to finish what we voted for. We have achieved some of the things we wanted but not all, but more than we did under any republican regime and we know what else needs to be done. Many are frustrated by the pace of our progress we have accomplished some of our goals, with no help from the republicans and some of the democrats. We knew that it would not be easy. We citizens have become so accustomed to everything being done by a push of a button and getting everything done in a hurry. We didn’t walk into a nice office with everything in place and just start to work. It was a hellhole of corruption and unimaginable problems. Frankly the Republican Party and big corporations liked it that way and did not want a change. They do not want 75% of the citizens of this country involved in our government. Very special interests have stood in the way of change at every turn and want their conservative allies in control of Congress. And they are doing it with the help of billionaires and corporate special interests underwriting shadowy advertising campaign ads. Advertising may be described as the science of arresting human intelligence long enough to get money or in this case VOTES from it.

Of all organizations to become involved in politics, the Chamber of Commerce, ‘An association of merchants and other business leaders who organize to promote the commercial interests in a given area and whose group is generally affiliated with the national organization.’ Yes we have let our voting privileges become a commercial interest. We have money coming from foreign countries that we have outsourced businesses to, by way of the Chamber of Commerce. What do businesses get out of belonging to this organization other than a plaque on their walls, prestige? They pay dues, so that makes them another

moneymaking entity. One vote per person is now obsolete! Money can buy anything, except my

one vote, what about you? Let’s all stand up and finish what we started with our one vote for each of us. Our country has become overrun with greed, corruption and power. Don’t let this rule us out. One vote from a poor person is supposed to count the same as from a rich person, and there are more of us than there is of them.