Sunday, December 13, 2009

Immigrants, Slaves, and Christians

History of the Underdogs that no one likes to talk about.

We can’t go back to the beginning, but it would be nice to have the chance to go back and do it right. But, with our, so- called Christian country, it will never be done.

When the people came to this country from Europe, they were looking for freedom of religion and freedom to live without being persecuted as they had been in the countries they came from. They were called puritans, and they were immigrants. They didn’t realize that they were not the first people here. They encountered the Native Americans who were here first. Of course your history books in school taught you that the Indians and the pilgrims got along together, Thanksgiving, turkeys, pumpkins, etc., big feast. Schools still teach this, in fact schools still teach a lot of things that are not true.

We were supposedly civilized and they were ignorant savages, so we started taking their land and pushing them onto reservations. We took their children from them and put them in schools. To teach them the English language, they were forbidden to speak their native tongue and taught them to be civilized like they were! I’ve forgotten the year, but does this sound a little familiar nearly 400 years ago. Anyway, they stole the Indians lands, murdered as many as they possibly could and ran the others off their lands where they had lived all their lives, onto areas of the country, where there was no place to fish, plant or kill the wildlife to feed themselves. When our government found out the reservations that they were forced to live had lots of mineral value, we even cheated them of that. We raped their women, stole their children and tried to make slaves out of them. They felt they had a right do this because they felt the Indians were inferior to them. The supposedly Christian mindset is really strange. They think they are superior and better than anyone different than they are. Think there religious beliefs are better than anyone else’s. After all the terrible things that we as Christian’s have done to people that were put on this earth by the same maker for the same purpose, to live in peace, prosper and replenish the earth. No matter the color of their skin, God, gave it to them, no matter the language they spoke, God gave them that also. I believe as in the Bible; we are to love one another. “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you”. I am not going to say I don’t dislike anyone, I do, but It’s not because of their race or religion. It is because of something they did to me. But as we have gone down these many years, nothing changes.
Another really sad thing, for years they were not considered citizens of this country.

In many ways they are the same. The economy was kept alive, in the south by the slaves. They worked the huge farms and plantations, while the owners sat on their posteriors enjoying all the reward. They did all the dirty work. Took care of the animals, cleaned the houses, did all the washing and ironing, did all the gardening, gathering the food, canning and cooking, made the clothes, took care of all the children. I thought it was really strange, that Mother’s who couldn’t or didn’t want to nurse their babies, they were nursed by a nanny or mammy as that is what they called them, lo those many years ago.

They did all the menial jobs that their owners didn’t want to soil their hands doing. Another sad thing that slave owners, did was to take the men to work in the fields and they were kept in a separate place to live, away from the women and children. They left one big strong male to service and control the women and sire any children. This was told to me by a friend whose Great-Great-Grandparents, had been slaves, (she was born in Virginia and had a brilliant mind, grew up and went to college in New York and always kept up with the real world in which she had grown up and the history of the south. I was born in the third world state of Alabama and wondered as a child why people were treated so differently, so we explored many of these things together as friends).

Whatever it took to run the country they were forced to do. With no compensation, other that a shack to live in and what food was necessary for them to survive and be able to work. If they objected, the overseer used the whip. There was no one to protect them. They were bought and sold like animals. Great bunch of Christians, this country, was supposedly built by. But they were supposedly freed. Then we had the KKK to keep them in order, still do in some places. The only jobs they could get were the same ones they had been doing, but for a few cents a day and if they didn’t like it, at least they could now leave, but had no place to go. Yes, we were a great nation of Christians. I think God will disagree.

As they moved away from the south to the north and to the west, it was the same thing, menial jobs and mistreatment from every corner of this great land. Many finally pulled themselves from the terrible mire they were in. So many never lived to see real freedom. Thank God it has finally come to many of them, but we still have a long way to go.

Now too the Mexicans, known as the illegal immigrants, that were in this land, or their ancestors were in, Louisiana, Texas, New Mexico, Arizona and California. Our greed propelled us to the west for more land and things to conquer, which we did.

Many were killed and others driven back across the Rio Grande into Mexico. Some got to stay, but wound up being peons for the conquerors. As they started to develop this area and grow, they needed help and guess whom they used to work the ranches? Mexican immigrants! Who weren’t really immigrants, they were here and had lived here for hundreds of years. They handled the cattle, horses, did the agricultural work and still do. The majority weren’t treated any different than the slaves of the south were. Back breaking menial jobs with little pay if any, maybe just a place to stay and food to eat. For years all of the wonderful vegetables we have gotten to eat, they planted, picked and shipped out, making the owners of the land very rich. Many come back every year to do this work for very little pay. Whole families return, live in tents or shacks and travel from state to state planting and harvesting. Treated badly and not appreciated for their work, by this supposedly bunch of good God fearing Christians. These immigrants are the ones who have kept the economy going in the cattle and agricultural industry in this country. Plus the housing industry, restaurant business, poultry business, hotel business, meat packing plants, they worked for the railroads, living in section houses all along the rail lines, maids and child care, laundries, clothing industries. You name it and they do the work. Now that they want to stay in this land of plenty that they helped to create, many people don’t want that.

They gripe and say the illegal immigrants are taking away the jobs from the American citizens. Bull! Those jobs were there all the time and the only American citizens that would do the work were poor uneducated people and not many of them. They also considered themselves better than the immigrants. They carried their prejudices from their ancestors from the old south, who always considered themselves better than the slaves. I wonder if people really give any thought to how they act and treat people who are different than they are. They can claim to be Christians, but they really aren’t.

We have millions of people who move to the nicer places in Mexico to retire, they can live cheaper and hire Mexicans to do their cooking and housework. We have companies that move their whole plants to Mexico, so they can have cheaper labor and make more money in fact they do the same thing, moving to China, India, Japan and other countries. There is one thing for sure we will never run out of AVARICE in this country. We want to take advantage of other countries and brag what a great country we are, but we don’t want anyone coming here, unless they are very wealthy and have connections with our politicians and the large conglomerates. If we keep going, China will own this country someday. Probably get our just dues. We used to bring the Chinese people to the United States to do our dirty work, building railroads, work in our mines, in fact we have been known to kidnap them, drag them aboard ships and bring them here to work. Rather like the slave traders. It also happens the same way with many of the illegal immigrants from Mexico. Some of the people called coyotes make “ mucho dinero” off these poor people, bring them here and dump them.

One of the worst parts about bringing the slaves, from Africa and other places, the Chinese, the Mexicans, and from other countries is the way they were treated especially, the women. The men of our country used the women for sexual slaves, spawned children. Put women in brothels all over this country and made money off of them. They accepted no responsibility for any children that were born. That’s why we have so many mixed races in this country. There is nothing wrong with being of a mixed race, just the way that many were conceived, without thought, rhyme, reason or responsibility, just a satisfaction for their lust. One of these men became a President, and one a Senator, how many more, we’ll never know, but God does.

If anyone reads this and understands what I have said, because it is the unvarnished truth, you will understand why I, as one am so tired of hearing people say this country was built on Christian principles and rejects Jews (which Jesus was), Muslims, Buddhists and various other religions, races and anyone that speaks a different language. They seem to forget that God made all of us what we are. He is responsible for all the different people being on this earth. He said they were to believe in him as our Supreme Power, and all of these different religions believe in God, many call him by a different name. God, Jehovah, Allah, God of Israel, different languages or different names, but they mean the same thing. God made all of us different and I thank him for that, I sure would not like to be as hate filled as a lot of the human beings in this world. Many do not believe that Jesus is the Messiah. But guess what, over the world we have so many different versions of the Word of God. Many religions are not allowed to read the Bible or the Word of God, their priests, teachers or leaders read and tell them what to believe. The Catholic Church was one of these. There was a time when many people couldn’t read and just relied on what the leaders told them. I had a great friend who was a Catholic priest and he once told me, “Evelyn any religion is better than none.”

One of the most simple and easily understood routes to religious, rules is in the beginning. The Ten Commandments and that, was before he gave his Son, Jesus to us. Even though we are no longer under the Law of Moses, but the Grace of Jesus Christ, as he died for our sins. The Ten Commandments is still a good rule to follow. To bad there is not much truth left in this world, or love of your fellowman. God will help you, if you help yourself and follow the road he laid out for us. It is hard to look at the truth, and the truth is, we as a nation are no better than any other nation. We do the same dastardly things that other countries do. And then we are arrogant enough to pretend we are better, and think, other countries should be like the United States, we are hypocrites.

Our corporations, with the help of our government have exploited other countries for their, diamonds, gold, copper, silver, all-minerals that are useful, oil. The leaders of these countries and our companies became rich, but the people remain poor and badly treated, much like many citizen of this country. Many do not know how to overcome their plight in life. We have many people preaching and telling the poor what to do, but most would not walk around the block to help. And they sure do not reach out their hand. Deut. Ch. 15 vs. 7 thru 11.

You cannot be a Christian and live by the rules God gave us and be prejudiced against any human being because of their race or religion. Therefore, we are not a Christian nation, as many people keep espousing.

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