Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Sad Remark

Today, I heard Sen. John Cornyn of Texas say Judge
Sotomayor’s record is medium at best! I have heard over l00 people more qualified than he say, her record on the bench was better than any of the Judge’s now sitting on The Supreme Court before they got there. He has constantly harped on her remark, not made on the bench,
“A wise, latina woman, could do as well as a white male”. In whatever manner she was referring to, as she spoke to a group of young latina women about their future. I was told by, my Father, you can do that as well as the boys, I could and did, something’s better. I have seen many women do a better job than men in all fields. White males do not have do not have the patent on brains. Where they got the idea I don’t know, unless their Mother’s told them how smart they were.

I also heard him say he voted his conscience and what his constituents wanted. A few maybe, but Texas is 75% poor and middle class. When anything comes up for a vote that would help the poor and middle class, I watch as that sucker votes NO! But he isn’t the only one from of our hoard of politicians from Texas.

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