Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Public Option

But we have a problem. I listen to the deafening roar above all things of our politicians and companies about the cost of healthcare reform. I watch as they dance around the floor and try to overlook the pile of doodoo in the middle floor. No one mentions how easy it would be to really cut cost. That pile consists of their hold on the extra goodies. It is the fraud and price gouging by the insurance, pharmaceutical, medical supply companies and many medical professional. The roar is because our politicians and companies do not want to change this practice of avarice. Our politicians are being bought off and paid under the table by lobbyists and they like the money.

Avarice has a terrible stink from the doodoo in Washington. It has been there a long time. Healthcare alone won’t clean it up, but it’s a start. Clinton (rather Hillary did) tried, but had to give up the fight. No one else tried until Barack Obama came along. He will not give up the fight, but he damn sure is gonna have to step on more toe’s than he has so far. Trying to go about it in a fairly nice way will not get it done. The one’s who are fighting him do not give a rat’s rear end about what is good for all the people, only their self. I knew that before he got started. At 82 I’m older than dirt and for 61 years I have watched politicians. All of them, but especially the one’s from the South. They all thought they were born to rule the world. I wish he could mandate a price control from one end of this country to the other on everything. Then make a concerted effort to control the fraud. That would take care of 50% of our total budget. Next stop all the fighting dead in its tracks and bring our men home. And never do it again, unless they beg for our help. Stop trying to conquer outer space, which has been a waste of time other than spying on other nations. We might be able to get back on our feet.

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