Saturday, July 25, 2009


The one we have has gone absolutely nuts! Texas is part of the United States. All of the people in it are not republicans. Mr. Perry does not speak for all the people in Texas and he cannot run this state to suit himself and his friends. 75% of the people in this state are poor and middle class. The 25% that he has control over, or they have control over him, maybe they can do things to suit them, but not all of us. The majority of people in Texas want to be a part of the United States.

Texas can be divided into 5 different states, but it will be a hell of a job. But hey! Lets do it and put him and his friends in one fifth of Texas. He does not do one thing for 75% of the citizens in Texas anyway. His last go round to become governor, didn’t really garner him that big a majority and he hasn’t really done anything for Texas to get him elected again, unless the big shots have given him enough money for him to buy his way in again. People are in a bad way, he might be able to shovel them a few bucks and buy their votes.

Talk about getting to big for one’s britches! Suggesting that any Texas lawmaker inclined to vote for Obama’s healthcare plan should consider leaving the state. Those law-makers were voted in on their own merit (even though I wonder about some of their merits) and if the citizens that want to keep them will do so. I think a lot of us need to give a lot of thought to whom, we vote in next time. Ask ourselves what has this person done for us, other than play follow the leader.

Texas really needs help with healthcare, Perry and all the government employees do not, they have healthcare, mostly paid by tax- payer’s money. The do not have to worry about thing. They have jobs and benefits paid for by the citizens and for this, frankly they do not really do anything for the citizens, especially the ones who do not have government jobs and are already wealthy. I wonder which part of the medical profession, insurance companies and pharmaceutical companies that they have their hands in the till. Texas is one of the lowest on the totem pole, when it comes to doing the best for its citizen. I’m sure they read and check on all their stocks and investments, they need to check on all the other figures in where we stand in the United States. Texas is not self-sufficient. We need the rest of the country to work together to better all things for our citizens.

Mr. Perry did not want to take the stimulus money, especially for unemployment benefits, as he would have to raise the rate, and that would upset the big corporations. It hasn’t been raised in God knows when, and Texas rate is lower than any other state. Now he wants to borrow $643 million from the federal government, what is the difference, oh yes, to take the stimulus he has to follow the rules and he doesn’t want to follow anyone’s rules except his own. Ask some of the people who collect only a $100 or maybe $200 a week to feed their family. And we pay around $10,000 a month for him a fancy home. Move him into a trailer in a trailer park and use that money for the unemployment he has dipped into for other purposes. He does a lot of fuzzy math with designated taxes. He criticizes Washington’s bailout mentality and the feds trying to dictate state policy. He talks a big game, but someone needs to look after the citizens of Texas, when things are bad. Perry doesn’t except for a special few. Another thing, who- paid for the trip he and the other people that went to Iraq with him, not once, but twice, this year? Bet you a buck it didn’t come out of his pocket. The taxpayer’s again???? What business does he have going over there, his, job is the State of Texas and he needs to get busy doing it. Hey! People give a lot of thought to whom, you vote for next time. He has been in so long that he thinks he owns the whole damn state. That happens when we are not paying a lot of attention.


The one we have has gone absolutely nuts! Texas is part of the United States. All of the people in it are not republicans. Mr. Perry does not speak for all the people in Texas and he cannot run this state to suit himself and his friends. 75% of the people in this state are poor and middle class. The 25% that he has control over, or they have control over him, maybe they can do things to suit them, but not all of us. The majority of people in Texas want to be a part of the United States.

Texas can be divided into 5 different states, but it will be a hell of a job. But hey! Lets do it and put him and his friends in one fifth of Texas. He does not do one thing for 75% of the citizens in Texas anyway. His last go round to become governor, didn’t really garner him that big a majority and he hasn’t really done anything for Texas to get him elected again, unless the big shots have given him enough money for him to buy his way in again. People are in a bad way, he might be able to shovel them a few bucks and buy their votes.

Talk about getting to big for one’s britches! Suggesting that any Texas lawmaker inclined to vote for Obama’s healthcare plan should consider leaving the state. Those law-makers were voted in on their own merit (even though I wonder about some of their merits) and if the citizens that want to keep them will do so. I think a lot of us need to give a lot of thought to whom, we vote in next time. Ask ourselves what has this person done for us, other than play follow the leader.

Texas really needs help with healthcare, Perry and all the government employees do not, they have healthcare, mostly paid by tax- payer’s money. The do not have to worry about thing. They have jobs and benefits paid for by the citizens and for this, frankly they do not really do anything for the citizens, especially the ones who do not have government jobs and are already wealthy. I wonder which part of the medical profession, insurance companies and pharmaceutical companies that they have their hands in the till. Texas is one of the lowest on the totem pole, when it comes to doing the best for its citizen. I’m sure they read and check on all their stocks and investments, they need to check on all the other figures in where we stand in the United States. Texas is not self-sufficient. We need the rest of the country to work together to better all things for our citizens.

Mr. Perry did not want to take the stimulus money, especially for unemployment benefits, as he would have to raise the rate, and that would upset the big corporations. It hasn’t been raised in God knows when, and Texas rate is lower than any other state. Now he wants to borrow $643 million from the federal government, what is the difference, oh yes, to take the stimulus he has to follow the rules and he doesn’t want to follow anyone’s rules except his own. Ask some of the people who collect only a $100 or maybe $200 a week to feed their family. And we pay around $10,000 a month for him a fancy home. Move him into a trailer in a trailer park and use that money for the unemployment he has dipped into for other purposes. He does a lot of fuzzy math with designated taxes. He criticizes Washington’s bailout mentality and the feds trying to dictate state policy. He talks a big game, but someone needs to look after the citizens of Texas, when things are bad. Perry doesn’t except for a special few. Another thing, who- paid for the trip he and the other people that went to Iraq with him, not once, but twice, this year? Bet you a buck it didn’t come out of his pocket. The taxpayer’s again???? What business does he have going over there, his, job is the State of Texas and he needs to get busy doing it. Hey! People give a lot of thought to whom, you vote for next time. He has been in so long that he thinks he owns the whole damn state. That happens when we are not paying a lot of attention.

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Sad Remark

Today, I heard Sen. John Cornyn of Texas say Judge
Sotomayor’s record is medium at best! I have heard over l00 people more qualified than he say, her record on the bench was better than any of the Judge’s now sitting on The Supreme Court before they got there. He has constantly harped on her remark, not made on the bench,
“A wise, latina woman, could do as well as a white male”. In whatever manner she was referring to, as she spoke to a group of young latina women about their future. I was told by, my Father, you can do that as well as the boys, I could and did, something’s better. I have seen many women do a better job than men in all fields. White males do not have do not have the patent on brains. Where they got the idea I don’t know, unless their Mother’s told them how smart they were.

I also heard him say he voted his conscience and what his constituents wanted. A few maybe, but Texas is 75% poor and middle class. When anything comes up for a vote that would help the poor and middle class, I watch as that sucker votes NO! But he isn’t the only one from of our hoard of politicians from Texas.

Public Option

But we have a problem. I listen to the deafening roar above all things of our politicians and companies about the cost of healthcare reform. I watch as they dance around the floor and try to overlook the pile of doodoo in the middle floor. No one mentions how easy it would be to really cut cost. That pile consists of their hold on the extra goodies. It is the fraud and price gouging by the insurance, pharmaceutical, medical supply companies and many medical professional. The roar is because our politicians and companies do not want to change this practice of avarice. Our politicians are being bought off and paid under the table by lobbyists and they like the money.

Avarice has a terrible stink from the doodoo in Washington. It has been there a long time. Healthcare alone won’t clean it up, but it’s a start. Clinton (rather Hillary did) tried, but had to give up the fight. No one else tried until Barack Obama came along. He will not give up the fight, but he damn sure is gonna have to step on more toe’s than he has so far. Trying to go about it in a fairly nice way will not get it done. The one’s who are fighting him do not give a rat’s rear end about what is good for all the people, only their self. I knew that before he got started. At 82 I’m older than dirt and for 61 years I have watched politicians. All of them, but especially the one’s from the South. They all thought they were born to rule the world. I wish he could mandate a price control from one end of this country to the other on everything. Then make a concerted effort to control the fraud. That would take care of 50% of our total budget. Next stop all the fighting dead in its tracks and bring our men home. And never do it again, unless they beg for our help. Stop trying to conquer outer space, which has been a waste of time other than spying on other nations. We might be able to get back on our feet.

Democrats, Republicans and Independents

July 6, 2009

Democrats, Republicans and Independents:

Many of you will not take the time to read what an ordinary citizen has to say. I have written to politicians asking questions, some have answered, but not about what I asked, but mouthing something about something they were working on and trying to pass or they ignored it altogether, their regular form letter.

I am an older than dirt white woman, born in the deep- south, Buhl, Alabama in 1927. I have followed the workings of the government all my life. Having lived through the first depression, a lot of it I didn’t like, but kept hoping for the best. Lots, of ups and downs. We have had some fairly good presidents and some very bad ones. I will say: all the republicans put us in the hole.

Everyone has there own opinion and here is mine. When we the citizens vote for a politician, we expect them to work for us. They do not; they work for themselves, their wealthy friends and large corporations. The, majority of them are on the take from the lobbyists for corporations, and you will find that many have stock in these companies. In lieu of working together for the betterment of our country, both democrats and republicans work against each other, with, “one-up-man-ship”. You remind me of a bunch of spoiled brats, “My way is better than yours”.

Or like the Shiite’s and Sunni, in Iraq. They have fought since year God one. Why? No one knows, I guess just trying to prove, one is right and the other is wrong. Well
Republicans and Democrats all of you have a problem!
You are supposed to be working for us, not telling us how to live our private lives, whether we should have an abortion or not. That is between an individual and God.
Ones religion is a private matter, unless you have become his emissary like the Pope claims and you can walk that last mile for us to meet the real JUDGE. Leave religion out of your politics. None of you are real honest to God Christians anyway, as your actions show.

Politicians are like religious leaders. When each of the different denominations started their religion, they all claimed it was founded on the Bible. But how can that be? It can’t be true, as they are all different. The majority of their rules are all man-made, as most of the Bible was told or written by men, as they thought things should be, not by God. In fact most people in those days could not read. They just understood the spoken word. The leaders of the various churches carried on this tradition. In fact today various, religions, still read to the people and tell them what to believe. They all claim they are right and through, them is, the only way to make it to the golden gate upstairs. Politicians do the same thing. Hey, the most of us can read and understand on our own. You are not up there to tell the citizens what, to do, you are there to do the job the citizens ask you to do, for the good of all. No matter the political party, religion, race or anything else that you don’t like about people. You go to find the answers about how to fix what we want done.

What we elected you for and what you get paid for, is a lot more than you are worth. You waste too much of our taxpayer dollars fighting with each other over whom is right. My husband once said, “It is a sad, sad day, when one outlives the truth in their lifetime”. Now I know for a fact many of you lie like dogs and never tell the truth you exaggerate the facts, and keep repeating them long and loud, thinking people will believe you. Some do, the ones that elected you, as they thought you were ethical and truthful people. But in my 61 years of voting I have found most of you to be a bunch of CON MEN and are, in politics, as it is a free and easy way to make money and play big shots in your home state. Most of you have a dark side in your soul filled with avarice and greed. You cheat the citizens that you are supposed to represent. You do not work for the common good of the little man. You work for the rich that cheat on their taxes in every way imaginable.

You travel all over the world to other countries, when basically that is not part of your duties. It costs the taxpayers. We have certain politicians that are assigned to do this, but I have seen many of you go and I knew you had no business going. It is a waste of time and money. You also waste time going back and forth to your home state, to supposedly talk to your constituents.
I have watched you and you do not go, county to county to talk to the people. You visit with elected officials and wealthy friends and corporations of the state and talk about things you and they want certain bills to be voted on to be passed. Have big photo sessions, so they can be put in the papers to show you were there. I watch our Texas republican politicians, as the vote; I always see a big NO by the Republicans for anything that applies to the poor and middle class. Yet you say I work for all the constituents of my state; that is not true. Haven’t you guys lived long enough too have learned truth is the best policy?

Every one of you needs to work with this President to see if he can help get this country straightened out. Reagan started some of this mess. He spent like a drunken sailor. He started deregulating. I will never forget what he did to the air traffic controllers. He helped start our troubles in the mid-east with the help of the perennial politician, the first Bush. I blame Bush and his friends in the oil business for many of our problems in that area. When he became president and his oil rich friends in Kuwait had a problem with Iraq. DESERT STORM! He had to protect his buddies, at our expense and more problems. He had been trying to set up his political and oil dynasty for years. He put us further in the hole. Clinton came along and even with all the republicans fighting him, he brought us out of part of the hole we were in. The second Bush came along. I love when you republicans talk about voter fraud. That was the biggest fraud I have ever seen. He went in to carry on daddy’s legacy, and keep his eye on the middle-east oil. We had 9/11. Iraq didn’t have anything to do with that. But he started a never-ending war there. That country had had enough problems fighting among themselves. Bush went after Saddam with a passion. I will never forget his childish remark about Saddam, “He tried to kill my daddy”. He also spent like a drunken sailor. Put us back in the hole were are in now. In the mean time, no one paid any attention to our financial world. Every ones friends were getting richer and no one gave a tinker’s damn until the bottom fell out. Then they tried to patch it up by giving more money to the people who helped perpetuate our downfall. All of you, who have been there for all these years, know the history, plus many of you know parts that never got out to the common people. (I know a lot of those parts, also and it is sickening). So far, no jail time for the white collar guys who did the dastardly deeds.

Barack Obama inherited this mess. Young though he is, he has known for a long time that this country was headed for trouble and had been for a long time. After only a short time in the senate, he saw that no one was really trying to fix it. This young man coming from what many “white people” would call the worst background in the world. Came with a set of ethics and integrity that surpasses any man I have seen aspire for the office of President. I am proud to refer to him, as MY PRESIDENT, which I have never done before. I do pray that he succeeds and that power does not corrupt him with the terrible disease of AVARICE.

Many of you with all the advantages in the world at your disposal did nothing, other than keep lining your pockets and aspiring for more power, and disagreeing with the other “SIDE”, whatever that means. Actually, it doesn’t mean a damn thing. Republicans mouth this old morality bit, claim to be for small government, say democrats are for big government and spend too much money. That’s a crock!
Either many of you cannot read or understand the balance sheet. There is no difference in either side, except the republicans do spend more than the democrats. You all do pork barrel politics and claim it is the other side. You all talk about the other side’s morals. All of you are guilty. I have found in all my years that the democrats, do more for the common people and republicans hang with the rich. That, is the unadulterated TRUTH, so don’t claim otherwise.

If the Republicans and some of the Democrats will not work with this President and help him for all our benefit in lieu of constantly bad mouthing him with all the false propaganda, we need to have a lot of unemployed politicians.

If this gets worse, I think a good idea would be to have the Government, close down and take over. All banks, mortgage companies, insurance companies, pharmaceutical companies, hospitals, accounting firms, stockbrokers, airline companies, automobile companies, and put price controls on all these things all over the U.S., and the list goes on. (State agencies are in bad shape. Having worked in the insurance industry 35 years, I will tell you the Texas Insurance department is as crooked as hell.) All of them are rife with greed and corruption.
Private enterprise is great, but as they get bigger and wealthy, they get more corrupt. They forget that they can’t exist without the rest of us individuals who use their facilities, services and products and there are more of us than there are of them. I can remember when we didn’t have to use a lot of those conglomerates. 95% of us were poor, and 95% of us still are. Now, for you guys: We need to cut your pensions and put you on social security, cut out you medical benefits, as I know that you make enough money to pay for your benefits (as you do not want to give benefits to the poor) and cut your traveling expenses. You need to stay up there and work. I watch you when a bill comes up to be voted on, you rumble around the floor like you were at a social gathering, shaking hands, patting each on the back, trying to talk each other into voting your way on a bill, (you know, you vote my way and I will vote on your bill when it comes up). All you needed was a cocktail glass in your hand and one would think you were at the county club, instead of supposedly doing serious business for the people and country.

Our companies that have gone to other countries to make and manufacture goods and ship back over here are strictly for greed. They exploit other countries by using their people and pay very low wages and taxes. All they are interested in is their bottom line. They shouldn’t be able to call themselves American citizens. We should not allow them to ship their junk back to us. We do not need to have the junk they ship to the United States. We have spoiled our children rotten by buying the toys they manufacture. And we are stupid for buying all the other stuff.

As I said before, we need to set a price on all things sold in the United States. Especially: anything to do with, the medical profession. Medical profession is wrought with fraud, at least 50%. I’ve been there, done that. If we could get rid of the fraud in all of our government dealings, our budget would drop at least 50%. Other country’s that has national healthcare does a better job than we do. I have relatives that live in countries that have national healthcare. I have a niece who married a journalist from, Spain. She came to visit me with her 2 children for the summer. One son got appendicitis, she took him to the hospital and called to Spain, they told her to have the hospital fax the bills and they would pay them. They did with no problem. When her Father went to visit her, he couldn’t use his Medicare. And we keep bragging about how great we are. We are not; we are just greedier. We can’t even get or keep good doctors anymore, their excuse is they can’t make enough money with all the expenses, to bad we can’t pay them with food products like we did when I was a child and lived on a farm. They were glad to get it, and made house calls way out in the country, handled everything. They specialized in everything. They were real, not generic. It was for their love of humanity. Not anymore none become, physicians for their love of humanity, only for the jingle of Midas. We have as many doctors and nurses from countries as we do home grown. I have worked in this profession when my husband was going to law school. I had him and 4 children in school, so the 11pm to 7am shift at Parkland hospital in Dallas was ideal for my circumstances. This was in the days when we still had white and colored water fountains and restrooms. Some, doctors were great others had an aversion to different races.

Since we have all these useless good for nothing politicians who live on the tax payers dole for all their lives and can’t get rid of any of them, without them going out into the world, if they do not get re-elected and start to work for large companies as lobbyist to work in the halls of congress, bribing the politicians that are still there. Like the Jerk that pushed through the last addition to Medicare, with every ones blessing, which made the insurance companies richer. He then left and went to work for one of the big pharmaceutical companies for over a million a year. I remember Bush bragging about what a great thing it was for seniors. That was the biggest fraud perpetuated on the senior citizens that I have seen in a long time. Remember there are more of us than there are of you, and if you don’t start working for all of us. As all of you know the natives are getting restless. REVOLUTION IS STILL AN OPTION.

Not many people, especially from large companies and government have any pride in doing a job well done anymore. I, really think if you politicians want to keep you job, its time to learn to the truthful, ethical and do a good job. People will finally get wise to all of you one of these days and when election time comes around again you might get the axe. I know a lot of democrats and republicans who should have gotten the axe a long time ago. We have some that are so old and decrepit, they can hardly get around. Many have never passed any bills that have helped anyone. They put in a lot of pork and get it through under the table for their state, so that their constituents will keep electing them. Robert Byrd of WV is one of them. We had some others that nearly had to be carried out.

Many of you are very well educated due to your back-ground and never did an honest days work in your life.
Many worked like slave to get their education. Many are overeducated with no common sense. Becoming a politician was an easy way to make a living. Many became a politician because they thought they could help. Many who were not corrupt, became corrupt, as it was lack of character. Many keep fighting for the right thing to do. Others give up and take the easy road.Being intelligent is good, but I remember a quote from Alexis Carrel (1873-1944) “Intelligence is almost useless to the person whose only quality it is”.