Friday, August 05, 2011


Government theft of the American working people’s pension, Social Security!  The government did not request permission to take or borrow our money from the Social Security Trust Fund.  Therefore as silent as a thief in the night they stole from us and have not repaid a single penny.  We the American working people are CREDITORS of the United States Government, but in lieu of paying your debt to us, the Republican Party now wants to cut us out entirely, along with Medicare.

We have always had corrupt politicians, but since 2000 they have been the worst I have ever seen, Predominately Republicans.  We the American people are tired of being constantly manipulated by politicians for their advantage and our disadvantage.  None of you have done a damn thing for the citizens of this country, just yourselves.  It is time for all of you to go home and get a job if you can find one, you have failed at the job you promised to do.  All politicians, federal and state, you are all a bunch of leaches and you talk about poor people who draw food stamps and are on Medicaid.  None of you are worthy of drawing food stamps and Medicaid.  There is not a criminal in prison as low and sorry as all politicians who live off of the taxpayers and steal everything they get their hands on while pretending they are doing the right thing for the American people.  Every day you take food from people’s mouths in order give to the rich of this country that do not need anything.  Hey all of you who claim to be Christians, God will not forget the bad things you have done to his children.

One of a group of millions that are, creditors of the United States Government.

Dear Congress

Last year the majority of we citizens who make under $50

thousand a year and the ones who lost their jobs haven’t been able to managed any type of budget other than to barely feed our families we have decided that since all the big corporations do not have to pay income taxes, we have come to a unified decision that we will have to shut down our checkbooks and will no longer be able to pay taxes.  I’m sure all of you will understand.  We thank you for allowing all the corporations to set an example for the rest of the people to follow.  Of course this might mean that you will not be able to give the corporations big income tax credits for the time being, until we have been able to find employment again.

Since many of the companies we have worked for, have gone to other countries, many of us have thought about going to another country to work for them, but have looked at the way the United States treats people from other countries that come here to work to make a living and decided those countries might treat us the same way.  Since this is now a country that does not offer gainful employment to its citizens, we are going to have to ask for aid like the United States sends to other countries.  Food stamps don’t go very far, but we can go beg left over food from restaurants or military bases. 

When a family member first went into the military service and had duty in the mess hall they threw away enough food each night to feed a lot of families.  When asked if they could take the food to shelters that feed homeless people, their answer was no!  When asked if they could find farmers who had animals that it could be given to, their answer was no!  It just went into the garbage.  This was good food that could have been saved and used the next day, but no, it went into the garbage.  Had they been married and had a family they would have been glad to take it home to feed their family.  I wonder if they do the same thing in Iraq and Afghanistan, would they really throw it away with hungry people all around them?

Our nation has been a wasteful nation and there has been a method to their madness.  They didn’t throw everything away; they chose a few to give all the perks and tax credits too. And allowed them to screw the rest of the citizens with no recourse for all the damage they did.  We now have a country full of homeless poor people with no one to back them up, as the congress has to give all the excess taxes to a favored few and fight damn useless wars. 

Republican Presidents and republicans in Congress with the help of some democrats and the Supreme Court have fractured our society of citizens.  And it is time to put a stop it.  Under Article II, Section 3, the Constitution reads:  The President may, on extraordinary occasions, convene both Houses, or either of them, and in case of Disagreement between them, with Respect to the Time of Adjournment, he may adjourn them to such a time as he shall think proper.  NOW IS THE TIME!  Since the Republican House is trying to hold our country hostage over our debt, caused in most part by the Republicans when they were in power.

I know everyone reads the Constitution to their own liking.  Lots of things I don’t like in the original Constitution.  Many things have been changed, but not enough.  One has not changed in regard to the public debt.  Amendment 14 (1868) Section 4, states in part, “The validity of the public debt of the United States, authorized by law, including debts incurred for payments of pension and bounties for services in suppressing insurrection or rebellion, SHALL NOT BE QUESTIONED.  The Republican Party who swear by the Constitution are not following it.

I have had people say that only refers to after the Civil War debts!  When the Constitution was written it didn’t say, “but subject to change”.  I think when it was written the founders felt like there were many things that were not “subject to change” and I think the debt was one of them, as it has not been changed and I think it will stand the test of time, until our country ends.  That means we really will have to raise taxes on all of the Republican Party’s pet corporations, just like has been done before by both republicans and democrats when it was needed to be done.  And NOW REALLY IS THE TIME.  No more playing the party favorites, everyone with money will have to bite the bit the poor have already bitten through the bit and can’t go any further.