Thursday, November 19, 2009

Useless Wars

Vietnam was under Chinese control for a thousand years before becoming a nation-state in the 10th century. Successive dynasties flourished along with geographic and political expansion deeper into Southeast Asia, until it was, colonized by the French in the mid-19th century. WW11, Japan invaded, ran the French out. Japan retreated and set Vietnam free. The French tried to come back. Vietnam asked the US for help, they said NO. Vietnam asked Russia for help, they said YES. France asked the US for help, they said YES. US sent advisors, US sent troops. The Vietnam Conflict (War). So we weren’t there to protect the United States, we were there to help and protect the French. France and the US set up a Democratic President in South Vietnam to justify their presence. And the war went on and on, our country lost so many of our wonderful soldiers and Vietnam lost their soldiers and citizens; another useless war. No ruler of any country should have the authority to send there military in to a war to fight someone else’s battle to take over another country. I can see giving them help in other ways, but not the lives of our children, husbands and fathers.

9-11 happened. We head to Afghanistan. As we were told that was where Osama bin Laden who supposedly was head of this terrorist plot was. I don’t think anyone ever talked to him we just had messages stating it was his idea. So in we go to another useless war. How many times has this poor country been over run by other countries for years and they never succeeded in conquering it? We fought for a while and ran some of the Taliban out. Seems Delta Force was going after bin Laden. To kill him, not bring him back alive. They got pretty close, but orders changed, they didn’t know whether the orders were from Central Command all the way up to the president of the United States, and they didn’t get an explanation. I always felt Bush didn’t want bin Laden brought in, as they were big friends of his family in Saudi Arabia. So we start the POLITICAL war in Iraq, by Bush and his warmonger buddies. All eager to make a killing on big contracts and they thought they could take over the oil production for our American corporations. Now we head back to Afghanistan. The warmongers and the military Generals want more troops and to keep the war going. They are after their job security so are the big war machine manufacturers. I would love to see who has stock in these big companies and whom they pay under the table.

Ask any peace loving Muslim and they will tell you we are fighting a losing battle, as the people will never change. They haven’t in thousands of years. No one has ever really conquered this country by fighting wars. Check your history; ask the people who have fought in that country. If we can’t find a way to get along with the people diplomatically it is a lost cause.

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