Friday, May 01, 2009

Texas Seceding

April 22, 2009


Yes, Texas is a big state! To big. Many want the federal government to cease and desist, they don’t want help, leave us alone or we will secede. Which is not an option. They really don’t want them to cease either. They will take every dime and ask for more, always have. Perry and friends just want all the cash, not designated for a specific cause with strings. They want it all to do with as they please as they have other designated funds within the state.

I do agree, they need their own state. So now is the time to take the only option they have. Divide into 5 states. Put all of them in one state, sort of like parents kicking out their useless grown spoiled children they have supported all their life (parents welfare), like career politicians living off the taxpayers welfare and everything they get on the side and under the table. Let them make it on their own in their sovereign state, with no representation or involvement in the federal government or other states. Sort of like we did the original citizens the American Indians, they weren’t considered citizens for a long time. All other Texans who did not want to live in Perry’s sovereign state, could chose which of the remaining 4 states they wanted to live in. If they preferred to remain in the United States fine, their choice, it not same rules for the sovereign one who didn’t want to be a part of us.
No traveling except within your border. Political posturing, like the guy with the big hair that runs North Korea. Everything he wants, while his citizens suffer. But boy he takes all he can get, but still doesn’t appreciate it. Perry and friends might not appreciate it but the poor and downtrodden in Texas do. Of course that will be no interstate or international travel. Like we did Cuba and North Korea does itself.

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