Friday, May 01, 2009

Water Priates

April 30, 2009


We have Pirates on Water and now we have Pirates of Water. In the form of T. Boone Pickens and Clayton Williams, with the help of ousted speaker of the house, Tom Craddick. I have been in all areas that these men are trying to steal. It is good for men to labor and prosper that is the way of life, but not at the expense of other people by sucking the water out from under their land that they own and pay taxes on and their families and ancestors have for hundreds of years. This is their livelihood, their crops, cattle or any kind of stock. Most are people he has known all his life, might have considered friends, as they might have him. But what he is trying to do now will never garner him a kind word. He is in an area of the country where I spent part of my young life and know well. Balmorhea pool was the height of a summer day, even though we had to drive 45 miles from Pecos to swim. Wade in what we called Phantom Lakes those many years ago. This was the only excess water in that part of the country. Pecos River had a few pools big enough to swim in sometimes, the rest not much, never enough water. The Concho down close to San Angelo you could swim and wade in some areas. Most other places you found water was the stock tanks, but always with snakes. If it was hot enough you ran the snakes out or shot them and went right in. NEVER enough water. I have ridden horses all over that country. It is beautiful country, not the greenest in the world. But the people who settled there, molded their lives to the land and learned to love it. They have improved it in many ways to make life better for them and their children, as the world progressed. When I talk about that part of Texas that people have never been to they think it is another country.

Clayton Williams has lived in that part of the country all his life. Born in Alpine, went to A&M, got a degree in animal husbandry. We used to think most people who went to A&M, were interested in the land, agriculture, farming, cattle and ranching. But has tried his hand at many things even politics. He more than most knows that there is no abundance of water. In some places enough to get by and in other places, never enough. He should also know more than most to conserve and protect what there is.

I thought I had seen a lot of low down things by Texas politicians. I have and so has all other Texans. But this is the lowest of low. We have had land grabbers, oil and gas bandits, corporate raiders and now water pirates.

The piracy bill 4805, proposed by would be governor Clayton Williams, sponsored by the ousted speaker of the house, Tom Craddick. This new bill gives power to the new district to do basically anything it wants to acquire, store, sell, water and sewage within 130 miles of Midland in the counties of Pecos, Crane Upton, Ector or Midland. The new entity can also use water or sewage it obtains for oil flooding “or other useful purpose”.

The new district will have power of eminent domain and can issue bonds without any election or vote than that of the members…Can also tax under some conditions (would you want to be taxed by the district so it can build pipelines to take all the fresh water it wants and sell it to whoever it wants, including oil flooding…for example??)
This will be seen as a “local bill”, so other members don’t really get involved in the discussion. It is being to House
Natural Resources which is chaired by Allen Ritter, (Nederland).

When I think of the evil that men do and have all through our history, it never ceases to amaze me the reason for their actions. I sum it up in one word AVARICE, it is a terrible disease of the soul. I am sure both Clayton Williams and Boone Pickens have enough money, that neither want for anything and damn sure don’t need the water, only as another way to make money. Maybe Pickens needs it for his wife’s wild mustangs (the people that they want to steal water from need it for the same purpose). Williams will use it for his oil and gas business.
Politics is a nasty business. 99.6% of politicians are consumed with Avarice, Texas I know is. They do not get rich off of taxpayers welfare (their salary, benefits, perks and pensions) in fact they do not even earn it. They make their money doing favors for wealthy friends and corporations all under the table and on the side. They wind up with stock in all the big money corporations. This is not random dreaming, these are facts, they know it, I know it and so does all the rest of Texas. All of them live under this self deception!! It is always someone else who does the bad things (democrats). They go around smiling, glad handing, back patting with a shiny face and a do-gooder smile on their face, always covered by this veneer, hiding the dark side of their soul. I do not mean that they do not do charitable things, but always for show, plus a tax write off. Williams made lots of contributions to A&M, including underwriting half the cost for an alumni center, which bears his name. The one that sort of befuddled me. He was founder and director of the Chihuahuan Desert Research Institute, which is dedicated to the study of desert animals and plants of southwest Texas and Mexico. Maybe he found out how the animals and plants can live without water and that is the reason he wants to suck everyone’s water from under ground, as he knows they can adapt.
Does he expect to live in a country where he has lived all his life and think people will accept what he is trying to do? Take their water (the life blood of a country like west Texas) by hook or crook and then good old EMINENT DOMAIN is they don’t agree. I know that law and there is no way in hell that it applies. It is already being applied by the people for their personal, private and public use, schools, hospitals, some towns might now be able to have a community pool for kids (I can remember when they didn’t).
I have a landowners bill of rights and I have used it. It is the old range law. SADDLE YOUR HORSES, LOAD YOUR RIFLES AND PROTECT YOUR CASTLE. Mine was over a gas pipeline. If it had been my water, that is another story and no one would have liked the ending. I hope the people in all that country lock their gates, patrol their fences and wait for them like they would a herd of elephants and felt no different than if they were. Which frankly they remind me of a bunch of marauders or pirates.
Since Williams and Pickens have so much money and want water enough to take it from the citizens of Texas by the sleazy ruse of public use, why don’t they go to the oceans on all 3 sides of the US and build plants to remove the salt and pipe it where ever they want it to go, to work with their oil and gas drilling, as I am sure that’s what they have in mind, as that is their forte.
Since Craddick was ousted as speaker he went back to Midland and is a sales representative for Mustang Mud, an oilfield supply company, also a real estate speculator and developer. I hate that name and hated when that file came to my desk. We handled their insurance in Dallas.
I know his background, and I know how much he was disliked as speaker of the house, accept by a few. In 1975 Craddick was names chairman of the House Naturals Resources Committee, the first republican to have chaired a Texas legislative committee in more than a century, and in 2003, after thirty-four years in the House, Craddick became the first Republican Speaker in more than 230 years. Seems he is calling in favors, as all politicians do. You scratch my back and I’ll scratch yours. He has a lot of Republican friends of the same ilk.
Pickens is not well liked anyplace. He is not a real Texan. He was born in Oklahoma. (But in December 2008 the Texas Legislative Conference honored him “Texan of the Year”). Known as the take-over artist. Takes over or raids any company he can get his hands on. His takeovers put many independent oil producers out of business. He graduated from Oklahoma A&M with a degree in geology and went to work for Phillips Petroleum. Stayed for a while then, went wildcatting. He founded a company that would later be known as Mesa Petroleum. Mesa grew into one of the largest independent oil companies in the world. He shifted his focus to acquiring oil and gas companies. He spent much of the decade targeting undervalued companies, making solicited and unsolicited buyout bids and other merger and acquisition activity. This made him a celebrity during the ‘deal-making’ 80s. Gulf Oil, Unocal, Cities Service and Phillips Petroleum, these were attempted buyouts. I know for sure in Bartlesville, Washington county, Oklahoma, many hated him a like a rattlesnake. His marauding and raiding went on.
Pickens founded BP Energy Fund, now BP Capital Management. He kept his finger in every pie and every energy company and attached his name to every moneyed company, group and institution he could. Pickens made many donations to Oklahoma State U. They have the Boone Pickens Stadium. He spearheaded an extremely controversial effort to create an athletic village just north of the existing campus. In order to do so, hundreds of homes were acquired by the OSU administration via eminent domain and demolished using Pickens contributions. 66% of his donations have been toward athletics. And many academic gifts, particularly to the School of Geology, which is named for him. Got his name on everything he could. Much of the moneys given to OSU, was invested into BP Capital in Dallas. Pickens goes into anything new in regard to energy. Most would help his personal financial position.
Pickens, company, Mesa Water, bought ground water rights for 200,000 acres in Roberts County, Texas. Over CBS he made the comment, “I know what people say—water’s a lot like air, Do you charge for air? ‘Course not; you shouldn’t charge for water,’says Pickens.’Well, OK, watch what happens. You won’t have any water.” Shows to go you—people like this do not give a tinker’s damn about other people. In 1997 Pickens Fuel Corp. was formed and he began touting natural gas as the best vehicular fuel alternative because it is a domestic resource that is clean-burning. The company now owns and operates natural gas fueling stations from British Columbia to the Mexican border. Pickens thinks the US is down near to the bottom of the barrel, as for as oil is concerned, or so he said. But, he will be drilling again and they have to have the water to help.
Since the Village Idiot is out of the White House and in Dallas, I note all the big oil friends are gathering around, there will be drilling in Texas and elsewhere. I think Bush still has his eye on Iraq oil. But people could be lucky enough that all those macho cowboy’s warranties could expire soon. Let’s hope so. Some of us still remember when there was such a thing as integrity, truth, ethics, common decency, man’s word was his bond and a handshake between men was a contract. Williams, Pickens and Craddick never had the integrity to start with.

Bill 4805, is being slipped through or trying to be, so as to go unnoticed. Sort of like Governor Perry slipped a bill through to remove funds from the Texas Unemployment Funds to transfer to his Texas Enterprise Fund.

It feels good to vent my spleen.

Texas Seceding

April 22, 2009


Yes, Texas is a big state! To big. Many want the federal government to cease and desist, they don’t want help, leave us alone or we will secede. Which is not an option. They really don’t want them to cease either. They will take every dime and ask for more, always have. Perry and friends just want all the cash, not designated for a specific cause with strings. They want it all to do with as they please as they have other designated funds within the state.

I do agree, they need their own state. So now is the time to take the only option they have. Divide into 5 states. Put all of them in one state, sort of like parents kicking out their useless grown spoiled children they have supported all their life (parents welfare), like career politicians living off the taxpayers welfare and everything they get on the side and under the table. Let them make it on their own in their sovereign state, with no representation or involvement in the federal government or other states. Sort of like we did the original citizens the American Indians, they weren’t considered citizens for a long time. All other Texans who did not want to live in Perry’s sovereign state, could chose which of the remaining 4 states they wanted to live in. If they preferred to remain in the United States fine, their choice, it not same rules for the sovereign one who didn’t want to be a part of us.
No traveling except within your border. Political posturing, like the guy with the big hair that runs North Korea. Everything he wants, while his citizens suffer. But boy he takes all he can get, but still doesn’t appreciate it. Perry and friends might not appreciate it but the poor and downtrodden in Texas do. Of course that will be no interstate or international travel. Like we did Cuba and North Korea does itself.

Perry’s Tea Bag Party.

Governor Perry’s Tea Bag Party.

The mess in Texas on April 15, 2009 and around the rest of the world was kind of sad to see. Adults who are supposedly intelligent acting like a bunch of spoiled kids who had just had all their privileges and allowances removed for their bad behavior. Perry wants to secede from the union! That is not an option. He thinks all the citizens of Texas agree with him. They didn’t draw as many fans as Willie Nelson or a Brittany Spears concert. He has yet to realize that all people in Texas aren’t all republicans, stamped with his brand or addicted to him.

Perry wants to be like the little guy with the big hair who runs North Korea and have his only private country, where he can do whatever he wants and all the citizens suffer. Texas is big alright, but not as big as the rest of this country. Many of our macho Texas governors have wanted to be head honcho for what goes on in the United States. Texas had it’s chance, 4 times. Two men actually born in Texas and 2 pretenders to the cowboy hats, 1 born in Massachusetts and 1 born in Connecticut, became president.

One a crooked democrat, who was so crooked he couldn’t lay straight in bed and could straddle a split rail fence without getting a splinter. Became President when the one in office was shot. He did sign into the civil rights that the previous president had started on 7/2/64 (which was kind of odd, as some of the properties he had owned he put in the deed they could never be sold to a black person), shows to go you what a person will do to get elected or stay in office. And he did sign into law the Medicare bill on 7/30/65. These 2 things were is his only legacy that was good for the citizens.

Eisenhower, reworked our transportation system, his only legacy. He was military, but for me and many others he had a black mark on his record from 1932, along with MacArthur and Patton.

Bush 1, another career politician with a lot of goodies on the side. War and debt and a bad taste in the mouths of other countries, except Saudi and Kuwait. Lot of favors for them, but none for us. No legacy

Bush 2, All he left was 2 wars he started, dead people everywhere and he still didn’t get to take charge of the oil, but never fear he and his groupies will keep trying. He really made us hated around the world, left us with a totally broken country, worst than most, but all republican president left us with a big debt, yet they believe in small government and can handle things better than anybody else. Bull crap. He left his mess for someone else to try to put back in order. He was a spoiled brat, used to having other people clean up after him, seems to be a family trait. He did nothing for the citizens of this country. The worst president this country has ever had. No legacy.

Now Mr. Perry – the federal government is not thumbing its nose at Texas or any citizens. You are. You didn’t want the stimulus package, it wasn’t for you, it was for the citizens of Texas who really, really needs the governments help. All of you out haven’t a tea party do not need the help. Oh, yes you will take it gladly, if it was handed to you in total, with you to do with as you see fit and keep what you want to do with as you please. The taxpayers already pay your salary, health benefits, pension, plus the obscene cost of paying for a fancy house, while the governors mansion is being repaired at another obscene cost and just wait till the decorating starts. All your traveling expenses and pomp and circumstance. I for one think you should have been put in a travel in the back of the capitol. I, of course are in the minority. My DNA goes back, from men who fought in every war this country has had. I for one think you ought to suck in your gut along with all your big grandiose ideas and look inside to have a reality check on ethics, integrity, common decency, love of all human beings and pass laws that apply to all citizens, not just a favor few. It takes a lot to be called a real good honest man, many Texas citizens haven’t found that quality in you. The hardest job and individual has is having the intestinal fortitude to face the unadulterated truth about themselves in regard to how they really treat their fellow man. Quit trying to make laws for peoples morals, private and personal lives. Take care of your own, that and any young children you might have, that is all God gives you the responsibility for. Everyone else has the same responsibility, not politicians. Ministers are there to teach only. Lots of politicians and ministers really need to take care of their owns souls, as they are in the business for the jingle of Midas not for their love of humanity. Too many sorry hypocrites. When you walk that last mile alone to meet the real “JUDGE”, no one goes with you, he isn’t going to ask you if you saved any souls, but he will know if you saved your own and just being baptized want do the job. I think that is where he sees the worst, because if they took the oath they really were supposed to follow his rules. That dark side of the soul is hard to fight.