Thursday, February 04, 2010

Giant Politician sale


Giant Politician sale, don’t miss it. Great, price until March.
Politicians--- all sizes and shapes some good, some not so good. Take your pick. Price range $10,000 to
$250,000, no returns, must keep what you get, so be careful as you pick your size and shape. The price keeps going up. They used to be free, just for the honor of serving their fellow citizens and their keep.
Somewhere back down the road they lost the honor part in their hurry to get there first and get the pot of gold, but you can still buy them without the honor but they are not worth as much.

Our country once sold human being as slaves much, much cheaper, and they worked paid their way and made the person who bought them a fine living while he sat on his posterior. They were worth more than any high priced politician in today’s market. Sorry people, but no matter the price you pay in the politician market today, they are not going to work for you. They work for the powerbrokers, helping them build their empire.

You can buy and sell anything nowadays. I believe what my Father said about dogs. “I would never buy a dog nor sell one, they won’t be any good. You can buy a cow and get your milk, butter and beef, a hog for your bacon, a horse and he will work for you, chickens you get eggs and fried chicken. All you have to do feed them and keep them up.”

Politicians are like fancy dogs that you buy high- strung, over-bred and, bark all the time. As you have found out they are very expensive to keep up.