Monday, June 22, 2009

The Voice of Reason

For the first time we have a president, who speaks with the VOICE OF REASON. Many people do not listen. I listen and for the first time, I refer to him as My President. He speaks with the voice of truth, but people have not heard the truth before, so they do not recognize it. Maybe it is because I am old and waited for such a person as he to come along, a man with integrity, truth and a voice of reason.
Everyone in this country has known what was wrong in our government. No one before had really tried to fix it.
The reason – it would tear up their playhouse. All the easy money and power. It was always easier to put the blame on someone else, as they continued to line their pockets and get richer if they did nothing, so that is what they did. It has been the understanding of all the citizens when they elected the politicians it was for them to represent each of us. Not true – they represent all their wealthy friends and corporations, who by the way get everything they want from the government. All our politicians get the best benefits in the country, all paid for by the taxpayers. The insurance companies have become very wealthy and with to much power over its clients. Pharmaceutical companies have done the same thing. The go outside the United States and have drugs manufactured for little of nothing, bring them back into our country and sell them for the most outrageous price. The same drugs that they manufacture are sold in other countries for 40, 50, 60 and 80 percent less than what we pay for them in the United States. I have family that live in Mexico and Spain, They have checked the price of the drugs that I have to get for my family and one year, with prescriptions from my doctor for a 12 month supply I saved nearly $5,000 but now with a crack down by the government it is hard to get them shipped. Their excuse was, they might not be good. But the ones I got were made by the same company that I bought here. Some drugs you have to have a prescription for in this country, you can buy over the counter in other countries.
Here we have to have prescriptions for nearly all our medicines and they will write only a 30 day supply and you have to call in or go to the doctor for another prescription. These are medicines that one has to take all their lives. I found out many years ago, that medicine wasn’t about ones love of humanity, but the jingle of Midas.
Health care reform will be fought by most politicians, insurance companies, American Medical Association, hospitals, nursing homes, medical supply companies and all who do not want to change their life style.
Banks and all financial institutions do not like the new regulations, as they also do not want to change their life style. Money from lobbyists will be moving like wildfire, and all will have a hand out for their share.
When people get the power to do as they wish, they will not give it up without a fight. The best description of this sickness in mankind: Avarice, insatiable greed for riches; inordinate, miserly desire to gain and hoard wealth. Avariciousness, covetous, greedy, suggest a desire to possess more of something than one needs or is entitled to. Avaricious often implies a pathological, driven greediness for money or other valuables and usually suggests a concomitant miserliness: An avaricious usurer. Covetous implies a powerful and often illicit desire for the property or possessions of another: Greedy, the most general of these terms, suggests an uncontrolled desire for almost anything, greedy for knowledge, greedy for power. (Webster’s Dictionary).
This applies to all the people who will not listen to the VOICE OF REASON for change for the betterment of our country and its people. Their attitude is “screw you I got mine” and they do not give a tinker’s damn about the rest of the world. I wish the President could mandate a price control on all things, so that they were the same throughout the United States. If we could eliminate the fraud in all facets of our government it would bring down our annual budget 50%. We can always hope and wish for the common good of all mankind.
Finally, if we could have real justice in our country, many of our problems would be solved.

Shotgun Granny