Friday, April 17, 2009


Do people listen, do they read, do they check the facts, do they comprehend? No they do not. Your taxes have not been increased by the federal government, unless your income is over $250,000. (unless you are a smoker, as I am).
Prices on consumer goods keep going up due to greed. The product has not changed. You are cheated in different ways, my latest, Pringles potato chips, when I opened the sealed container, I found it lacks about 4 inches to the top. I only buy them a couple of times a year. But I have noticed other sealed products have the same problem. Utilities is another one that cheat clients.
Bailouts: The government did not giveaway the money to the financial institutions. The money they loaned, has an interest rate of 5% and a time limit to be paid back, it is not paid back within that time, the interest rate will be increased to 10%. Even though we used borrowed money to do this, the interest rate on the borrowed money was one-half percent less than what we charged the banks and AIG. So in the long run we will not loose.
It is a sad thing that this happened, but when you don’t keep your eyes on the henhouse the snakes and foxes will steal your eggs. We have over the many years put people in charge, who were full of avarice and corrupt to the core. Cooking the books with a what’s in it for me and they raped the people. We should never pay a bonus to people who work for a salary. If the company is successful, then all the people deserve a merit pay raise, not just a few chiefs; as the Indians or peons, actually do most work. Many of us should have learned over the years not to trust people with the gift of gab, high flying ideas about making money for you, as their only interest is, what’s in it for me.
One last thing, watch and do not be fooled by politicians, city, state and federal. Many have had good jobs, but weren’t satisfied. They had their eye on the lottery, politics. We have many career politicians who have lived off the taxpayer’s money and their father’s before them nearly all their lives. They don’t get rich on their salaries, they can live well, but they all become rich, by doing favors and kickbacks from wealthy friends and corporations. At the same time they are living off of welfare, our taxes, they resent any welfare given to people who are so poor that they do not have a home, a car, a telephone, much less even knowing what tomorrow will bring. I watch all of them when the laws are passed and the voting goes on. We have many fairly good politicians, but 75 percent aren’t worth shooting and belong in jail.

To all of you who love this country and want the best for all of its citizens don’t condemn the President after only 87 days in office. It is like quitting a good job, with a good salary after 87 days because you don’t like the boss. After having voted for the last 61 years I am proud to call this man MY PRESIDENT.