Thursday, February 26, 2009


January 24, 2009


Instead of running all over the world chasing people our government considers terrorist. When are we going to pick up all the white trash terrorist in our country? You know the ones waving swastika flags and giving the old heil Hitler sign (I didn’t capitalize Hitler, my computer did). And the other group that’s been around since year God one. The old KKK. They have been terrorizing people in the United States, since after the Civil War. Fancy name of Knights of the Ku Klux Klan, a secret organization with all their dastardly deeds aimed at, Blacks, Jews, Catholics and anyone else that isn’t of their same mindset. Great uniforms, they had all white sheets and hoods. Now, friends these are born, bred and raised in the United States of America, mostly in the south, white trash and to top it off, they claim to be Christians. Great old southern background. I think we had a politician in Louisiana by the name of Duke, who was a big dude in the klan. I remember reading somewhere that he was rambling around over in the Middle East. Maybe he is giving them some pointers on the old American type of torture. You’ve heard the saying there’s two sides to every coin. Well there’s two sides to who has terrorist, US AND THEM. Don’t condemn other countries when we do the same thing.

I don’t know about the swastika wavers with the shaved heads. If they have fashioned themselves in the image of old Adolph Hitler (again I didn’t capitalize his name the computer did) I don’t know whether they have a religion, I don’t think Hitler believed in God, or maybe he had one that the world didn’t know about. Just thought I would give people something to think about. We have to many rules and regulations in some areas and not enough in others. It is time for us to look at the whole picture, the whole TRUTH, not just what we want to think about ourselves and our country, like how great we are!!!! We are no different than other countries, we have the good, the bad and worst of all the indifferent.

Enemy Combatants vs Mercenaries

January 14, 2009

I know that we the people of the United States have always felt that we were right and the other countries were always wrong. Over the many years we have gone into countries with our superior condescending attitude and exploited the different countries for their gold, diamonds, copper, silver and oil, with the help of their corrupt leaders. The leaders and our countries large corporations have gotten rich. The many citizens of those countries have remained poor and have been ill-treated. Finally that started to fight back against the people they felt had helped put them in the bad situation they found themselves.

Our country calls them terrorist because they supposedly bombed the Twin Towers. Now we have all these people in Guantanamo prison. We call them enemy combatants, they fought for their country, or were paid to do a job. After all they need to work to make a living. Now can someone please tell me the difference between enemy combatants working for their county and our ex-military-mercenary-fighters (Blackwatch) being paid large salaries to go to Iraq and others countries to fight and kill for the United States. We seem to have a double standard about people’s rights, and who are terrorist. People from other countries think we are terrorist when we go into their countries and do the same thing that they do when they come into the United States.